Stretch the Balloon Dude visits San Antonio!
- At August 24, 2011
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We often dazzle people with our amazing balloon creations – but where do we come up with these wonderful latex designs?
The truth is that we learn new ideas and concepts from some of the best balloon artists in the country. Balloonamations has a really large collection of DVD’s that allow us to re-create some of the best, cutest, coolest, most interesting balloon art pieces you will ever see.
We also learn new stuff by attending balloon jams (a bunch of crazy balloon artists getting together to play with their balloons) and balloon conventions. But the best way to learn new balloon designs is to attend classes being taught by one of country’s best balloon artists. Balloonamations was honored to host Stretch the Balloon Dude when he recently visited San Antonio, TX.
Stretch taught two classes based upon his “Wizard of  Ahhhhs” DVD and his “Twisted Toppers Too” DVD. The first class demonstrated how you can use 360 and 650 balloons to truly “Wow!” your audience, while the second class focused on how to make some really cool hats that all use a 6-balloon double hexagon concept.  The photos show examples of this heady concept!
If you are a balloon twister trying to get better, we highly recommend just about any of Stretch’s DVDs. And if you need a really awesome balloon performer for any event in the Dallas area, Stretch is the guy. He can be reached through his web site at
We want to thank Stretch for coming down and teaching these classes — we learned a lot, and had a ton of fun!!